
ICS 40: Compiler Design Principles

     This subject is an introduction to the design and implementation of high-level programming language translators and compilers. It will open with a discussion of translators related to compilers, followed by an overview of the phases and data structures involved in compilation. Topics including lexical analysis, parsing techniques, symbol tables, run-time storage allocation, semantic routines, code generation, and optimization will then be covered with a series of projects assigned to illustrate practical issues.


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Chapter 2 Exercises

2.1 Consider the context free grammar

S → SS+ | SS* | a

a) Show how the string aa+a* can be generated by this grammar.

S → SS*
→ SS+S*
→ aS+S*
→ aa+S*
→ aa+a*

b) Construct a parse tree for this string.

c) What language is generated by this grammar? Justify your answer.

This grammar generates a language that consists of any possible arithmetic operations involving a with the use of only the + and * operations and the postfix notation. The only non-terminal symbol in the grammar is a and it replaces all occurrences of S, leaving only a statement consisting of a series of a's and the + and * operations.

2.2 What language is generated by the following grammars?

a) S → 0S1 | 01

This grammar generates a language consisting of a series of 0's and 1's coming between a 0 and a 1. There are to be at least two 0's and two 1's and there are the same number of 0's as 1's.

b) S +SS | -SS | a

This grammar generates a language that consists of any possible arithmetic operations involving a with the use of only the + and * operations and the prefix notation.

c) S
S (S) S | ε

This grammar generates a language that consists of a series of adjacent and nested, matched pairs of parentheses.

d) S a S b S | b S a S | ε

This grammar generates a language that consists of equal number of a's and b's in no particular order.

e) S a | S + S | S S | S * | ( S )

This grammar generates a language that consists of any possible arithmetic operations involving a with the use of only the + and * operations and sets of matched parentheses. It may involve both postfix and infix notations.

2.3 Which of the grammars in Exercise 2.2 are ambiguous?

Letter e in Exercise 2.2 is ambiguous. The string a+a* can be parsed in more than one way:



2.4 Construct unambiguous context-free grammars for each of the following languages.

a) Arithmetic expressions in postfix notation.

expr → expr expr +
expr → expr expr -
expr → digit
digit → 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

b) Left-associative lists of identifiers separated by commas.

expr → expr, id
expr → id

c) Right-associative lists of identifiers separated by commas.

expr → id, expr
expr → id

d) Arithmetic expressions of integers and identifiers with the four binary operators + , - , * , /.

expr → expr + term | expr - term | term
term → term * factor | term / factor | factor
factor → digit | id | (expr)

e) Add unary plus and minus to the arithmetic operators of (d).

expr → expr + term | expr - term | term
term → term * factor | term / factor | factor
factor → digit | id | (expr) | +factor | -factor


Unknown said...

Thanks Sir for this help .from student of Islamia University Bahawalpur Pakistan.

Unknown said...

Hey, Thank you very much

Just thought I'd let you know that your answers aren't complete.

2.3 - 2.2c and 2.2d are also ambiguous
try c with (())()() and d with bababa

Unknown said...

Tq sir

jasbir said...

It's good to see responses, that recognise the understanding, while reading Compiler (Alfred...Ravi & ..Ullman)

Owolabi said...

You are a life saver, thanks

Unknown said...

Thanks buddy, it helps me a lot. Keep doing the good work!!!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much sir. :)